BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN On Watching JEREMY ALLEN WHITE Portray Him In Upcoming Biopic - "He’s Got An Interpretation Of Me That I Think The Fans Will Deeply Recognize"; Audio | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
Sunday, 9 March 2025 17:11

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN On Watching JEREMY ALLEN WHITE Portray Him In Upcoming Biopic - "He’s Got An Interpretation Of Me That I Think The Fans Will Deeply Recognize"; Audio

classic rockbruce springsteenjeremy allen white
23:04 Thursday, 2 January 2025
BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN On Watching JEREMY ALLEN WHITE Portray Him In Upcoming Biopic - "He’s Got An Interpretation Of Me That I Think The Fans Will Deeply Recognize"; Audio

Bruce Springsteen recently appeared on SiriusXM’s E Street Radio, talking with SiriusXM host Jim Rotolo to debut a cover of the late Slim Dunlap’s "Girlfriend". During the interview, Springsteen discussed Jeremy Allen White’s performance in the upcoming film. Deliver Me From Nowhere.

SiriusXM’s E Street Radio is available to subscribers in their cars on channel 20 and anytime on the SiriusXM app. Audio clips and transcriptions below courtesy of SiriusXM’s E Street Radio.

Bruce Springsteen on Jeremy Allen White in Deliver Me From Nowhere:

Jim Rotolo: "I’ve seen you on the set of this film Deliver Me From Nowhere. I have to ask you, Jeremy Allen White, the actor who’s playing you in this film, having been on the set, is it weird to watch someone else pretend to be you? I mean, I think it would be rather strange. Don’t you think?"

Bruce Springsteen: "A little bit at first, but you get over that pretty quick and Jeremy is such a terrific actor that you just fall right into it. He’s got an interpretation of me that I think the fans will deeply recognize and he’s just done a great job, so I’ve had a lot of fun. I’ve had a lot of fun being on the set when I can get there."

Rotolo: "Yeah. He’s a tremendous actor. We’re all looking forward to the film coming out and he’s also, I read that he’s singing in the film, so he’s singing like you in this which is exciting to see."

Springsteen: "He sings well. He sings very well. You know, and Jeremy Strong and Odessa Young, you know, it’s a tremendous cast of people. They cast the film beautifully, so it’s very exciting."

Rotolo: "It’s very exciting. We’re looking forward to it. Hopefully it comes out in 2025. They’re filming all over New Jersey which is really cool to see."

Bruce Springsteen on "new" music coming in 2025:

Jim Rotolo: "A press release that went out the other day that was highlighting the year of 2024 through Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band, and it did say something about music that we’ve never heard before coming in 2025. Can you provide us any hints onto that?"

Bruce Springsteen: "There will be."

Rotolo: "Okay. I had to ask because I saw that press release and everybody got excited about it, so I thought I would ask."

Bruce Springsteen introduces a song in honor of Slim Dunlap"

Bruce Springsteen: "Slim Dunlap, who I don’t know if a lot of people are very familiar with, but he was a member of The Replacements and he was really a unique guitarist, singer and songwriter and one of the deepest and truest rock & roll souls I’ve ever heard. He has two fabulous solo albums out that I would tell everybody to run out and get and this is a song from, I’m not sure which record it was. Was it Times Like These?”

Jim Rotolo: “Times Like This.”

Springsteen: "Yeah. Times Like This, and cut it from a covers record that we were just fooling around with and working on in the studio with the band and it’s a song called 'Girlfriend', so in honor of Slim Dunlap’s passing, this is 'Girlfriend'.”
