kissbruce kulickhard rock
13:13 Tuesday, 31 December 2024

During a new interview with AMFM Studios, former KISS guitart Bruce Kulick revealed his plans to start working on his autobiography in 2025. Check it out below.
Kulick: "It's certainly gonna be a really in-depth discussion of my life as a musician with, of course, hefty amounts on my KISS years, because I know that the fans are gonna want to get my thoughts on how it felt and what I did. It's certainly not gonna be some salacious slam book. It's not me. But I do have a lot of stories that I never really discussed that I think are gonna be really fun for people to read about and fascinating for them to see. Everything was, in many ways, a very interesting journey, and there were many (times) where you fall in the ditch, but you've gotta pull yourself out. That kind of thing."
Kulick recently shared the video below along with the following introduction:
"On December 8th, 1984 I performed my first official show as a member of KISS. It was also the date we filmed an iconic concert for MTV called Animalize Live! It was released on MTV in April of 1985, and then sold in video tape formats (VHS and Beta) as well as laser disc. It was called Animalize Live Uncensored. It's a fantastic show that's 40 years old that it is out of print. What an honor to be a part of this great concert.
The original board mix is used here, synced to the filmed video. This is how it was heard that night in Detroit, MI.
(Special thanks for Michael Edwards who carefully synced the board tape performance to the video)."