Drummer KEN MARY Launches "The Neil Peart Experiment", Paying Tribute To Late RUSH Drum Legend; Part 1 "YYZ" Streaming (Video) | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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Drummer KEN MARY Launches "The Neil Peart Experiment", Paying Tribute To Late RUSH Drum Legend; Part 1 "YYZ" Streaming (Video)

hard rockken maryneil peartrush
19:12 Thursday, 12 December 2024
Drummer KEN MARY Launches "The Neil Peart Experiment", Paying Tribute To Late RUSH Drum Legend; Part 1 "YYZ" Streaming (Video)

Drummer Ken Mary, who has been a member of House Of Lords, Flotsam And Jetsam and Fifth Angel, and has worked as a session and live player with Alice Cooper, Gene Simmons and others, and recordings by Don Dokken, Kip Winger, Jordan Rudess, Impelliteri, Bonfire and many more, has launched his new video series, "The Neil Peart Experiment", with Part 1 "YYZ".

An introduction: This video chronicles the creation and educational purpose of “The Neil Peart Experiment,” performed by session drummer Ken K Mary, and is Part 1. (Neil is one of Ken's drumming influences, and Ken is a great fan Neil's composition and performance.) Here is the experiment: could a session drummer replace the existing drum tracks, that were not performed to a click track, and make the replacement parts almost seamless in tone and performance? Would the new drum tracks be able to lock to the existing musical tracks without any issues? Could the song sound the same? Could this be done all in one pass, like the original recordings?  

Adds Ken Mary: "Note: The idea on this song was to duplicate the record as closely as possible, except for one small part that Neil changed live that I also threw in, and to lock as close as possible, in one entire pass, to the existing tracks.

"If you already saw the initial video, you can skip to :58!! I just reiterate the "rules" for the recording prior to that time.  

"One of the most challenging (and best) aspects of being a musician is you never stop learning and it’s often the legacy of the masters (such as Neil Peart) where lies the educational lessons necessary to assist in our desire to improve!"
