SCOTT GORHAM Would Like To See DEF LEPPARD, GUNS N' ROSES Members In A Reactivated THIN LIZZY - "There's A Whole Load Of Guys Out There That Are Great" | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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SCOTT GORHAM Would Like To See DEF LEPPARD, GUNS N' ROSES Members In A Reactivated THIN LIZZY - "There's A Whole Load Of Guys Out There That Are Great"

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17:31 Monday, 25 November 2024
SCOTT GORHAM Would Like To See DEF LEPPARD, GUNS N' ROSES Members In A Reactivated THIN LIZZY - "There's A Whole Load Of Guys Out There That Are Great"

Scott Gorham has revealed the names he'd like to join him in a reactivated Thin Lizzy. He's also said there's one Lizzy song that he'd love to re-record with an all-star line up, saying that he'd like to do it; "just to see how it would sound with the new technology". The guitarist made his comments in a brand new interview with eonmsuic's Eamon O'Neill, about his continuing work in the art world.

Scott recently said that "She Knows", from the 1974 Thin Lizzy album, Night Life, holds a special place in hearts, and in the new interview, he went even further, stating; "That song is near and dear to me. That became the first song that Phil and I wrote together on the first album that I'd ever done, and it became the opening track for that album."

It was then that Gorham revealed that he'd like to revive the track recorded five decades ago, stating; "I'm really proud of that song, and also, I would love to redo that song somehow; get another bunch of guys in there and just re-record that, just to see how it would sound with the new technology today and all that, to see what we could come up with."

When pressed on who he'd imagine recording with, and who he'd like to see in a reactivated Thin Lizzy, he said; "there's a whole load of guys out there that are great", before going on to name some familiar players; "there's Vivian Campbell from Def Leppard, Richard Fortus from Guns n' Roses; I've worked with both of those guys. Marco Mendoza, great bass player, so yeah, I mean, there's a tonne of guys out there".

However those waiting for Lizzy to take to the stage once more shouldn't hold their breath. "The problem being with all that is they all have day jobs", lamented Scott; "They've got to pay the rent, and I imagine their rent is pretty high! So with that kind of thing I have to wait around, to wait to see when all the stars align perfectly, to get everybody lined up on that stage."

Read the entire interview at
