Tron: Ares Director Says NINE INCH NAILS' Soundtrack Is "Grittier, More Industrial" | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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Tron: Ares Director Says NINE INCH NAILS' Soundtrack Is "Grittier, More Industrial"

nine inch nails
23:56 Monday, 18 November 2024

Nine Inch Nails – not Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross as they're usually credited, but Nine Inch Nails – is currently working on the soundtrack to the upcoming movie Tron: Ares. So what's it gonna sound like? According to Tron: Ares director Joachim Rønning in an interview with Empire, it's gonna get plenty gritty.

"With Nine Inch Nails making the music, this installment will be a little grittier, a little bit more industrial," said Rønning. "It's been important for me to contrast The Grid and the real world. In that sense, Nine Inch Nails lends itself perfectly into this new Tron world that we are creating."

Tron: Ares is a sequel to the 2010 movie Tron: Legacy and stars Jared Leto as Ares, Evan Peters as Julian Dillinger, and Greta Lee as Eve Kim. Tron: Ares is due out October 10, 2025.

As for Nine Inch Nails, they seem to be forging a comeback overall. In a recent interview with GQ, Reznor and Ross said a new Nine Inch Nails record should be a nice change of pace from the duo's recent string of movie soundtracks.

Ross said at the time: "I do feel excited about starting on the next record. I think we're in a place now where we kind of have an idea." Reznor added that putting the band down for a little while "managed to make Nine Inch Nails feel way more exciting than it had been in the past few years. I'd kind of let it atrophy a bit in my mind for a variety of reasons."

The next Nine Inch Nails record (or soundtrack now that Tron: Ares is on the table) will be their first since Bad Witch in 2018, or their first since the double ambient project of Ghosts V: Together and Ghosts VI: Locusts in 2020.
