dez fafara
22:25 Wednesday, 30 October 2024

DevilDriver and Coal Chamber vocalist Dez Fafara recently underwent some health issues that forced the cancellation of Coal Chamber's North American tour. Fafara has since checked in with fans on Instagram, saying he's doing alright and hasn't been diagnosed with anything that's life-threatening. Fafara later added that he's got some news for both DevilDriver and Coal Chamber fans, including tours and new music. So basically just a big ol' positive update.
"HEALTH UPDATE After pulling my tour due to vertigo and now with months of doctors HERES AN update," wrote Fafara. "FIRST. Thank you for the outpouring of love and to every musician or crew member AND all my FRIENDs that checked on me I really appreciate you.
"I as you know suffered a blackout and vertigo weeks before tour and I've now seen several doctors several times and as they dial in the diagnosis and treatment I wanted to let you guys all know it's nothing that's gonna KILL ME since I've had every cat scan and test run you possibly can do Thankfully
"That being said I'm under doctors supervision in fact writing to you now fresh out of the ear nose throat doc and thought I should check in …. Sorry for the silence but I've been really focusing on family and health at the moment. PLEASE FOLLOW DevilDriver and Coal Chamber as announcements are coming. I'm looking forward to hitting the road hard with both bands next year as well as New music is coming ! ..please like and comment so I can get back in your algorithm.Have a Happy Halloween.
"For more personal looks into the Fafara Family follow my wife and mgmt @mrsfafara"