heavy metalhard rockrv bang open air
22:30 Saturday, 26 October 2024

For more than 20 years, Balingen, a quaint town in southern Germany, hosted the Bang Your Head festival. Then came the pandemic, followed by the promoter's cancer diagnosis, and untimely death.
The ready-made (paved) area, perfect for big outdoor gatherings (with an empty fieldhouse on the premises) sat dormant for a couple of years. Now, a couple of industrious local gents (attached to a nearby rock club) have decided to create a new, albeit smaller scale event: RV bang Open Air.
After a 2024 trial run, the sophomore show will reprise a popular format: Friday-Saturday, with a separate admission warm-up show on Thursday evening (July 10-12). The organization is in the process of an advent card, slow reveal of the line-up.
Thus far, names like Grave Digger, Burning Witches, War Kings, Shakra and The New Roses sit alongside fledgling national and European acts. In (re-)establishing Balingen as a summer fest stop, the owners wisely seek to avoid the pitfalls of its predecessor, expanding too quickly, and taking on big expenses, competing for high priced (international) talent.
Head to rvbang.de for additional information.