Arnel Pineda took some serious heat for his performance with Journey at the band's Rock In Rio performance last Sunday (September 15), and now, following the criticism, the frontman says he'll step away from the band if enough fans vote for him to "go".
Arnel said in his post, in part (see below): "I am very aware of this (video below), no one more than me in this world feels so devastated about this... It's really amazing how 1 thousand right things you have done will be forgotten just cause of THIS.. and of all the place, its in Rock In Rio. Mentally and emotionally, I've suffered already, and I'm still sufferring.. but I’ll be ok.."
He adds: "So here’s the deal... I am offering you a chance now (especially those who hated me and never liked me from the very beginning) to simply text GO or STAY right here... and if GO reaches 1million, I'm stepping out for good."
* Note: The majority of responses are voting for Arnel to "stay."
Journey drummer Deen Castronovo has since issued the following statement:
"I don’t do social media much, if at all anymore. My Social Media Manager, Karen, runs my sites and posts for me. So, I miss a lot, unless it’s brought to my attention.
Arnel has RISEN to the challenge of Journey’s catalog, NIGHT after NIGHT, YEAR after tiring YEAR! He gives to YOU ALL and Journey, the best that he can give you. Out of maybe a handful of shows in 17 years, Arnel has faced the facts. The voice is a BIOLOGICAL INSTRUMENT, subject to weather, fatigue, virus, bacteria, jet lag etc. Sometimes it DOES NOT, CANNOT or WILL NOT cooperate when needed. So, what’s the point of hammering a human being over something they have no control over??
To the trolls, you are the blessed many. The ones who can armchair sing and trash the few that do what he does every night. They DO NOT have that luxury; they must BRING IT EACH and EVERY NIGHT or FACE YOU and your OVERINFLATED OPINIONS! If YOU can DO BETTER – then, DO IT!!
I know very few who can pull off what Arnel does without ego and with passion and grace. BACK OFF TROLLS! You are MESSING with MY FAMILY NOW and I am A RABID PROTECTOR OF MY OWN!!!
This is America, where everyone and anyone can voice their opinion. Consider this though when you do. Is it KIND? Is it TRUTH? Is it NECESSARY? We’ve all seen that meme, and it rings true here as it does anywhere it’s posted.
To the people who GET IT, THANK YOU, we appreciate you! [