king's xdug pinnickheavy metal
14:49 Sunday, 22 September 2024

King's X bassist / vocalist Dug Pinnick is featured in an in-depth interview with Rock Music Alliance, where he discusses a host of topics including the band's longevity, his early years, Jimi Hendrix as an influence, working with DReam Theater, recently guesting on a Cactus song, working with George Lynch and Ray Luzier in KXM, and more. Check it out below.
On the band's current status
Pinnick: "We've been discussing (making) a new album, but that's about it. I've got a bunch of songs I'm going to bring to the guys in a few weeks and see if we can get the ball rolling. And we tour all the time; we never stop touring. The thing is we're (out) for a weekend a month, which is three or four shows. We've been doing that for years. It's good. It pays, and I'm home a lot, so I can go and do what I love to do, and then come back and do nothing. It's awesome."
On King's X's longevity
Pinnick: "I can attribute it to the same thing that I think Robert Plant said about Led Zeppelin: we aren't friends. We don't hate each other. We're brothers. We don't have any competitiveness going between us. There's no real attitudes. We know something special happens when the three of us get together and we find joy in it, I think, and we continue to do it. Like I always say at the end of every show, we hate each other as much as we love each other, and we would die for each other, and we would kill each other. That is us, and it's a great family. All our friends and close friends, they all understand us and know us. It's just a beautiful family of King's X people (laughs)."
(Photo - Derek Soto)