heavy metalagainst the plagues
01:28 Saturday, 14 September 2024

After nearly nine years, Against The Plagues is back "stronger and healthier than ever before" with a new vocalist and a new singer.
Says the band: "Since our hiatus back in 2016 , we took the time to recharge, reset, and refresh our mindset. Taking a long break helped us to address all past issues in the band and also to contemplate its future. Finally, we are excited to announce our return!
"We are super stoked to present Zion Meagher as the new vocalist of Against the Plagues! He is very well known in the Chicago metal scene, being involved with such legendary bands like Nachtmystium, Disinter or Forest of Impaled. It is a privilege to work with such a professional musician who is definitely helping the band to reach the highest level of quality we can obtain!
"We are proud to present our brand new video single called 'Calculated Treason' officially released on YouTube via VaryenEntertainmentGroup. It's going to be our first single of the series of songs we would like to share with all of You. Our new album is finished. Recorded and Produced by Jeremy Kling (Inhuman Condition, ex-Venom Inc, Overkill) and Taylor Nordberg (Inhuman Condition, Deicide) at Smoke and Mirrors Studio in Spring Hill Florida. We cannot wait to see your reactions and hear your comments!
"Please visit our official site, and all our social media for more news and interesting content. This year will definitely be exciting for our band and our fans!"
(Photo - Against The Plagues)