bon jovi
20:20 Thursday, 12 September 2024

Jon Bon Jovi helped save a woman's life earlier this week.
According to several reports, Bon Jovi was filming a music video for his song "The People's House" on the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge in Nashville, TN when he and another person noticed someone getting ready to jump. Bon Jovi and the second individual walked over to the woman and spoke to her for roughly a minute before ultimately helping her back over the railing to safety.
"A shout out to Jon Bon Jovi and his team for helping a woman in Nashville on the Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge Tuesday night," wrote Nashville police on their social media. "Bon Jovi helped persuade her to come off the ledge over the Cumberland River to safety."
Bon Jovi released his new record Forever on June 7.