THE CROWN - Guitarist Marcus Sunesson Returns, New Single Due Next Week
the crownblack death

"We are thrilled to announce that Marcus (Sunesson, guitarst) has returned," begins a statement from Swedish death metal icons, The Crown. It continues:
"Marcus left the band in 2012, and his unique, passionate guitar work on albums like Deathrace King and Crowned In Terror has been deeply missed.
He has contributed significantly to the new album, writing the guitar parts and solos on the upcoming release, Crown Of Thorns, which will be out on October 11th.
Not only will you hear Marcus on the new album, but he will also be joining the band live in the future. His return will be celebrated on our homecoming show in Gothenburg on November 23rd.
This marks an exciting time and a fresh start for the band. Welcome back, Sune!"
In other news, The Crown will release their new single, "Churchburner", on August 28th at 6PM CET / 9AM PT. Set a reminder here.