17:58 Thursday, 15 August 2024

Have you ever wanted to pick Metallica frontman James Hetfield's brain about his downpicking technique? Maybe shoot the shit about cigars or his birdwatching habit? Maybe a little of both? Well now's your chance!
Hetfield has teamed up with the Adaptive Sports Foundation to auction off a dinner with the man himself. All the net proceeds will go to the foundation, and you can get bidding right here. As of writing this, the current bid is sitting at $28,500… so y'all better dig real, real deep into those pockets if you wanna come out on top.
"James has donated a unique experience to benefit his friends with the Adaptive Sports Foundation and their auction currently running through Charitybuzz. 100% of the net proceeds raised by this auction will go to the non-profit's efforts to empower the lives of children and adults with physical and cognitive disabilities through adaptive sports."
The Adaptive Sports Foundation describes themselves as such: "Since 1984, the Adaptive Sports Foundation has been providing sports and recreation opportunities to thousands of children and adults with both cognitive and physical disabilities. Considered one of the top adaptive sports programs in the country, the ASF has been on the cutting edge of adaptive sports programming and has provided what participants have often described as 'life changing experiences.'" Learn more here. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Metallica (@metallica)