alan parsonsrick beatoclassic rockpink floyd
07:27 Monday, 12 August 2024

Producer / songwriter / educator Rick Beato has shared a new interview video along with the following introduction:
"In this episode, Alan Parsons shares insights from his prolific career, including his engineering work with legendary bands like The Beatles and Pink Floyd, as well as his evolution into a headlining artist and producer with The Alan Parsons Project. Alan recalls his contributions to iconic albums such as Abbey Road and The Dark Side Of The Moon, shaping the sound of a generation."
On working with Pink Ployd
Parson: ""They were all critical of each other's performances and not afraid to say. If David Gilmour had produced an incredible guitar solo on something, Roger might say, 'I think that might be all right, David. Thank you.' (laughs). Pretty, sort of low-key 'congratulations.' They all got on really well. Making Dark Side was a joy. I mean, everybody was into what they were doing. Everybody was friendly. It's terribly sad that the rift exists between them now."
In late 2023, Professor Of Rock showcased Alan Parsons on his channel. CHeck it out below.
"Coming up, it’s a musical genius who was in the room for some of the biggest chapters in rock history: Alan Parsons. He was with Pink Floyd on their landmark album The Dark Side Of The Moon and The Beatles on several of their masterworks including Abby Road. It doesn’t get any bigger than that. But you know what? This prodigy wrote a mind-blowing chapter of his own. Masterminding an unprecedented rock experiment, he not only gave us some of the most thought-provoking albums of the 70s and 80s but also one of the era’s most iconic tracks... 'Eye In The Sky', a song that has provoked a lot of speculation about its meaning. Is it about Big Brother? A dystopian future? Gambling? Or maybe it’s a break-up song. Plus, get the story of the copycat song that has been called a nothing more than “lazy rip-off” of this epic track we get the story straight form the genius himself, next on the Professor Of Rock."