sabatonpär sundströmheavy metal
14:59 Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Internationally acclaimed heavy metallers, Sabaton, have released the video below, along with the following message in regards to bassist Pär Sundström's new project:
"A while back we revealed Pär’s plans to release an epic videogame called Lord Of Metal! Well today, our trusty bassist answers your questions: What is Lord of Metal and what can you expect from the game? Watch this video and reserve your copy of the game today! By doing so, you get an exclusive early bird discount and in-game items. Sign up here.
Internationally acclaimed heavy metallers, Sabaton, are celebrating their 25-year milestone in the music industry. They have shared a new livestream video along with the following message:
"Metalheads! Round up the Sabaton troops and join us for our 8th listening party! We’ll be listening to The Last Stand on full blast and looking back at awesome times in the studio and on tour. There were so many memories connected to this album, it was hard to know where to start! Did you know that when writing the music for this song, Joakim asked for Pär’s input, and when he heard what Joakim had written, Pär immediately said 'Guys, I’m not hearing a metal song. I’m hearing the soundtrack to the movie 300!' – and that’s how the topic was selected! Find out about this and more by joining us. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!"

The Last Stand is Sabaton's eighth studio album. It was produced by Peter Tägtgren at Abyss Studios in Sweden and released on August 19, 2016. Like Sabaton's previous album, Heroes, The Last Stand is a concept album and takes inspiration from "last stand" military battles.