Finnish melodic metal band Unén have unveiled their first official single and video, “My Love’s Broken”, available today via Frontiers Music Srl.
“After countless disappointments in relationships, one becomes numb and cold... There is nothing left to give to another person, and yet the endless search for the perfect person continues. It's always easier to leave everything behind and start anew”, says singer Stina Girs about the song.
The band describes the concept behind the video: “The main character starts sculpting a vision of perfection, only to shatter it, symbolizing the disappointments in love and relationships. Piece by piece, she starts tearing it apart. At this stage, the mood of the performance shots also changes, and crumbling clay begins to fall on the band members.”
“Around the visual storytelling, we see super slow motion shots of the band and Stina's vocal parts, which are filmed both in slow motion and at normal speed. The music video is filmed at the historic Lapinlahti Hospital in Finland, one of the oldest psychiatric hospitals in Europe” they continue.

Hailing from Helsinki, Finland, Unén are a modern melodic metal band, whose music also incorporates elements ranging from progressive to pop, blending intensity with sensitivity in its sound.
Unén was originally founded in late 2021, laying the foundation for the band's musical style. In 2022, Unén focused on composing and refining production independently, resulting in the release of two self-published tracks. However, after a rollercoaster year, there was a need to change the lineup to accelerate production.
The word "Unén" was derived from the band's original idea that lyrics would be based on the world of dreams. However, due to lineup changes, this concept took a different direction, but the name remained.
In the beginning of 2023, there was a shift in Unén's lineup due to the change of lead singer, which notably accelerated all activities. The band members coming together was a series of fortunate coincidences and determined searches, including encounters with old acquaintances. The right people had found each other.
Unén released their first single "Made Of Stone (cover)" in May 2023 with the new lead singer, Stina Girs. She became known during the IDOLS competition in 2011 and subsequently released two albums as a solo artist. The original song by Evanescence inspired this evolved lineup of Unén to showcase their unique sound and overall direction. Following this, the band focused solely on creating their own songs.
All members of Unén bring their own expertise and input to the band. Every song created is a sum of its creators, and there is no specific leader. The band members are united by their passion for making music, even though their day jobs are completely different.
Unén signed with Frontiers Music in February 2024, thus enabling the band to achieve the channel they sought to release their music to the world.
Stina Girs - vocals
Kimmo Pitkänen - guitars
Petteri Sinervä - keyboards
Harri Moilanen - guitars
Tomi Kallava - bass
Saska Ketonen - drums