Berlin’s ‘Take My Breath Away’ Has A Deeper Meaning
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Berlin is a new wave band from the 1980s. They achieved success with their ‘Take My Breath Away’ after it was featured in the blockbuster ‘Top Gun.’ This elevated the band to a new level of fame but it also came with a big amount of pressure and a series of missteps.
Berlin broke up after releasing their album ‘Count Three and Pray’ in 1986. They reunited years later and released a comeback album named ‘Transcendence.’ It was followed by an orchestral reworking of their catalog titled ‘Strings Attached.’ Berlin also had other accomplishments, but their fame is closely linked to ‘Take My Breath Away.’
‘Take My Breath Away’ has a memorable melody and lyrics, but it also has deeper meanings hidden within. Here are three of them.
The Song is Filled With Metaphors
‘Take My Breath Away’ presents a juxtaposition of fear and love. The eerie intro music blends with the darkness and creates an unsettling atmosphere. The song explores the purity and power of love within this emotional turmoil. The contrasting emotions blend together to create a feeling of breathlessness and mirror the depth of the human experience.
The song also explores the vulnerability and intensity of romantic love by introducing us to the feeling of being completely overwhelmed by another person. The lyrics also touch on the idea of time standing still during moments of intense emotion and the desire to freeze time and remain in that moment forever.
‘Take My Breath Away’ explores the nature of love and its connections to both life and death. The lyrics are filled with powerful imagery, such as ‘endless ocean,’ ‘secret places,’ ‘hourglass,’ ‘mirror,’ and ‘fate.’ These hint at something more profound and hidden.
The line ‘When the mirror crashed’ can be seen as a reference to the death of a loved one or as a metaphor that may be necessary for true love to take over.
The post Berlin’s ‘Take My Breath Away’ Has A Deeper Meaning appeared first on Metalhead Zone.