hard rockwolfgang van halenac/dc
16:52 Friday, 12 July 2024

Ahead of Mammoth WVH's July 24 concert at MGM Northfield Park Center Stage in Northfield, OH, Wolfgang Van Halen spoke with Times Reporter.

During a nearly 20-minute phone interview, he spoke thoughtfully in a reserved, almost gentle tone about plans for a third album; what it's like to tour with legendary bands; why he opened up and shared his story in a new documentary; and his excitement over A Different Kind Of Truth returning to music streaming services.
The following excerpt touches on which rock band Wolfgang would love to tour with:
Q: Mammoth WVH has opened for Guns N' Roses and Metallica and will be touring with Creed later this year. So what's left?
Wolfgang Van Halen: "With the insane amount of people we've opened for, Foo Fighters was certainly one of the dream 'holy crap' moments. And the fact that is happening is ridiculous. I think one more band maybe I'd think of would probably be AC/DC. They've been a special band for me, and especially for me and my father. We listened to them all the time. AC/DC, I guess, would be that ... crazy dream, like holy crap. That'd be insane."
Read the full interview at Times Reporter.
Find Mammoth WVH's tour itinerary here.
(Photo - PR Fender - Fender Digital)