atrocityleaves' eyesflorian ewertmicki richterheavy metal
10:56 Thursday, 20 June 2024

Leaves' Eyes and Atrocity - both launched by frontman Alex Krull - have checked in with the following update:
"Dear Fans & Friends, please welcome our new guitarist Florian Ewert to the Atrocity and Leaves’ Eyes family. Florian did already shared stage with us at NADA Fest in Portugal which was a great concert. We want to thank our mate Micki for many years of playing and touring with Atrocity and Leaves' Eyes and we wish him all the best for the future and his new engagement with Eisbrecher!"
Micki comments: "Dear friends, fans, and supporters of Leaves’ Eyes and Atrocity, After over seven years as a guitarist and composer for Atrocity and Leaves‘ Eyes, I have decided to take a new path. This decision was not easy, as I have experienced many unforgettable moments and met wonderful people during this time. I want to thank everyone who has supported me and the bands along this journey. Your passion and support have always motivated and inspired us. Thank you for the great memories and shared experiences."
"My journey continues, and I am excited to announce that I will be the new guitarist for Eisbrecher. I look forward to the new challenges and musical adventures that lie ahead. I wish Atrocity and Leaves‘ Eyes continued success and am confident they will keep making great music in the future. My successor on guitar will be Florian Ewert, an exceptional musician and an all-around great guy. We met a few years ago, and I wish him all the best. I’m sure he’ll be perfect for this role, so please give him a warm welcome. See you at the upcoming concerts and events! Rock on, see you soon!"
Florian Ewert: "My first show with Atrocity at NADA Music Fest in Portugal was already awesome. To play songs from the Okkult Trilogy and also the legendary Hallucinations & Todessehnsucht albums live with Atrocity was killer! I’m looking forward to play with Leaves‘ Eyes as well. In 2007, I saw Leaves‘ Eyes live for the first time. I was very impressed by Tosso and his playing which was inspiring to me. I am very happy to succeed such great guitarists like Tosso and Micki. I’m looking forward to work with the Leaves‘ Eyes and Atrocity family and to meet all the fans around the globe."
Leaves' Eyes, celebrated a fiery viking themed show on the Louder Stage at Wacken Open Air 2023. Check out pro-shot footage of "Chain of the Golden Horn", "Across the Sea" and "Blazing Waters" below.
Photo by Antonio Melao