heavy metalrise of the northstar
21:14 Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Louder than ever! It's the moment of French modern/crossover metal heroes, Rise Of The Northstar: The band keep presenting their latest offering "Showdown" to enthusiastic crowds worldwide, and with their current touring cycle being aptly titled "Crank It Up!," ROTN are proud to unleash the official music video for the track of the same name today.
Watch the video below, and order/stream Showdown (incl. "Crank It Up") here.
ROTN emphasize, "Crank up your will power to the point where it obliterates any outside negativity: 'Let the weak speak, let the flock talk…,' and keep your eye on the ball no matter how much venom is thrown at you. This new music video marks the end of the concept we initiated in 2018 with The Legacy Of Shi. It is a testimony of the last year and a half touring the Showdown album, it is the final artistic statement of that era and the start of a brand-new chapter for the band."
Find Rise Of The Northstar's tour schedule here.
(Photo - Berzerker)