steve vaikylie olssonriff notes
12:30 Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Back in February, Kylie Olsson released an outtake reel featuring her visit to guitar legend Steve Vai's studio, The Harnony Hut. She has now released the full video of her visit to Vai's home.
Olsson: "In the full episode of Life in Six Strings With Steve Vai, I head to his house in Los Angeles to get into the wonderful mind of one of the greatest players of all time. He shows me how, through positive thinking, you can completely turn your life around, being in his universe was a truly magical moment for me so I hope you get to experience some of that from watching the episode. Not to mention how terrified I was by playing 'For The Love Of God' with its creator, but also with a band for the first time. And then there were the bees!"
Guitar World recently released a new video taking a peek inside Steve Vai’s pedal closet.
A video description reads: “Recorded at his home studio in LA, Steve Vai talks us through three key pedals, demonstrating their various tones and how he uses them to get the Steve Vai sound. He also gives us a peek into his pedal closet – the home of his extensive collection of effects pedals.”