eerie vondanzigsamhainhard rock
10:33 Tuesday, 11 June 2024

In a new audio interview with music journalist Joel Gausten, former Danzig / Samhain bassist Eerie Von discusses the unique D.I.Y. marketing of Not 4 Nuthin, his recently released first solo album since 2009. Released on CD only via Eerie Von Records, Not 4 Nuthin is available by emailing Von directly at
An excerpt from the interview appears below:
Joel Gausten: You’ve put the album out yourself. It’s a CD-only release. People have to PayPal you, and you mail the CD out yourself. You include a note with every CD asking people not to post the songs online or share them. Considering that we have Bandcamp, iTunes, and all that stuff, why keep it so old-school when the rest of the planet seems to be doing it the complete opposite way?
Eerie Von: "Everybody I’ve listened to my whole life all started out selling records out of the trunk of their car or whatever. When you want it to be done the way you want it to be done, the less hands involved, the better. Going back to the old punk rock thing—especially the hardcore scene—that’s what everybody did. Also, if somebody comes to see me, I can’t sign a friggin’ download! I still lay out all the stuff. It’s just more fun that way, and it gets done exactly the way you want it. There’s definitely no pressure. When you have a contract and investors and a board of directors or whatever, that’s when musicians go crazy.”
The complete audio interview is available below.