A Devastating Call From ROGER WATERS' Wife Led To This Chilling 1979 PINK FLOYD Classic; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Reports (Video) | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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A Devastating Call From ROGER WATERS' Wife Led To This Chilling 1979 PINK FLOYD Classic; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Reports (Video)

classic rockraritiespink floydprofessor of rock
20:24 Friday, 7 June 2024
A Devastating Call From ROGER WATERS' Wife Led To This Chilling 1979 PINK FLOYD Classic; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Reports (Video)

Professor Of Rock has shared the new video below, accompanied by the following introduction...

"The gripping story of one of the most chilling songs of the rock era... 'Hey You' by rock’s most mysterious band, Pink Floyd. The author of this song, Roger Waters, found out over the phone that his wife was leaving him for another man... And so did 'Hey You''s protangonist, Pink. This emotional revelation was just one part of a devastating list of psychological daggers that nearly killed him. Choosing to isolate his soul from the world, the madness swallowed him whole. 'Hey You' was from his perspective in these last lucid moments. It’s the story of a disillusioned musician’s last contact with reality and his last hope for survival. Today’s song is the definition of madness. Get the story next on Professor Of Rock."
