LZZY HALE Won't Join SKID ROW, Band Is Looking At Lesser-Known Vocalists | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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LZZY HALE Won't Join SKID ROW, Band Is Looking At Lesser-Known Vocalists

skid row
18:16 Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Skid Row recently parted ways with vocalist Erik Grönwall and recruited Halestorm vocalist Lzzy Hale for four shows. While those shows went over well, Hale has noted that she's unable to commit to joining Skid Row full time right now, but is still plenty grateful for the opportunity.

"My soul is still buzzing from the crazy ride I was just on," wrote Hale on her social media.

"Thank you so much to Rachel, Snake, Scotti, Rob, their amazing crew and the entire Skid Row fan base for putting your trust in me. Thank you for bringing me into your tribe, and allowing me to live inside your legacy for a moment.

"What started out as friends helping out friends, bloomed into something bigger than any of us could've imagined. I'm overflowing with gratitude.”

"This experience of getting to deep dive into Skid Row has given me a rare opportunity to deepen my love for these men I get to call friends. And the soul bonding moments we created together musically will live with me forever.

"And even though this particular time in my life prevents me from committing to a permanent role in Skid Row… I am sending in my official request to the universe that we will be able to join forces again down the road.

“With Love and Loud Music, Lzzy Hale"

So who might join Skid Row? According to bassist Rachel Bolan in an interview with WRIF, the band is looking at a bunch of small-name vocalists as Grönwall's replacement.

"We have [been talking to singers about permanently replacing Grönwall, but] no one, really, with a name," said Bolan. "But, yeah, we've been talking to a few guys that piqued our interest, for sure. But right now we're just concentrating on these shows with Lzzy and having fun with it."

And if you're wondering what the chances of a possible Skid Row and Sebastian Bach reunion is, it's zero. Skid Row guitarist Dave "Snake" Sabo noted in a recent interview with The Hook Rocks podcast that the reunion isn't happening, but he's thankful that people have such an interest in it.

"Well, the answer has been the same for — I don't know — 20,000 years now. It's not gonna happen. And I say the same thing every time. I'm thankful that people have such an interest in wanting to see that happen, but I also have to reiterate that this is about being happy in the situation that you're in. So I'll speak for myself personally.

"First of all, I do need to say something too, is that the reason that this isn't happening is because there's three of us — myself, Scotti and Rachel — who've had conversations about this, and we've all been on the same page that we don't wanna go down that road again. We just — we don't.

"Rachel has taken a beating over this through the years. He's the one who's been blamed for this. 'Oh, it's Rachel's ego.' 'It's this and that.' No, that's a load of bullshit. That is not true. And I feel bad because he's really, really had to shoulder that blame and has never said anything derogatory or anything like that. But you know what? The truth of the matter is that Rachel, Scotti and myself have continually felt the same way, that we enjoy being happy in this band and we're really happy.

"It's been such a great experience for the last however, 35 years, everything, all the ups, all the downs, everything, but we just don't wanna revisit that particular aspect of our history."

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