mike portnoydream theatertoolheavy metal
12:18 Saturday, 25 May 2024

Drumeo has shared a new video featuring Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy. Check it out below.
Drumeo: "Watch as drumming legend Mike Portnoy attempts the impossible task of learning Tool's 12-minute masterpiece, 'Pneuma'. This song was released on Tool's Fear Inoculum record in 2019 and is known for featuring some of Danny Carey's most complex drumming to date.
How will Mike go about learning this insane drum part? How does he crack the 'code' of the song? Tune in to find out and watch Mike learn one of the most challenging drum parts ever created over the course of a Drumeo session lasting nearly six hours."
During Modern Drummer's Tribute to Alex Van Halen, Live from Ironshore Studios, at the beginning of the year, Portnoy discussed the origins of Alex's famous shuffle groove that appears in several VH songs. Enjoy this clip of Mike playing "I'm The One" from Van Halen's debut album.