heavy metalonwardtyler anderson
19:40 Friday, 26 April 2024

Earlier this week, Onward guitarist Toby Knapp announced that vocalist, Robert Van War, had left the band.
Said Toby: "Well, some bummer news. Robert Van War is no longer in Onward. This was a mutual decision and I wish him the best! Onward will continue as planned. We'll find a vocalist."
Today, Knapp issues the following update: "Onward welcome vocalist Tyler Anderson (Gatekeeper, Odinfist) aboard for the recording of our next album! Tyler contacted me expressing interest in working with Onward and I made it through the first track of Gatekeeper's current album and my decision was made. As mentioned before, I have my old Necrytis bandmate, Shane Wacaster, on drums - so I feel we've got the elements in place for a great album! I'll keep everyone posted."