heavy metalnarcotic wasteland
01:46 Thursday, 25 April 2024

In honor of guitarist Dallas Toler Wade's birthday, coinciding with the 10-year anniversary of their self-titled debut album, Narcotic Wasteland is summoning fans to a series of skull-shattering parties throughout their tour.
Fans are summoned to join the chaos and lay claim to a free gift by presenting this sacred scroll at the merch table.
Dubbed as the birthday slaughter of the decade, Narcotic Wasteland is summoning ancient forces to make each night legendary.
From blistering guitar wails to heart-pounding drum onslaughts, every show promises to be an infernal ritual that will leave metalheads possessed by the spirit of pure chaos.
The unholy crusade commences on May 31, 2024, in Crockett, CA, and continues its apocalyptic conquest through cities like Portland, Dallas, Austin, New Orleans, Tampa, and more, culminating in a final siege on July 7, 2024, in Saginaw, MI.

Alongside Narcotic Wasteland, the dark legion includes special guests Whore of Bethlehem, Ignominious, Filth, and Malignancy (Headlining), who will conjure up nightmares with their savage performances.
Find tickets and tour info at bandsintown.com.