TOM PETTY's Label Flat-Out Rejected His 1989 Album, So He Signed A Secret Deal And Sold 11 Million Units; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Reports (Video) | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
Tuesday, 4 March 2025 07:34

TOM PETTY's Label Flat-Out Rejected His 1989 Album, So He Signed A Secret Deal And Sold 11 Million Units; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Reports (Video)

classic rockraritiestom petty and the heartbreakersprofessor of rock
19:52 Tuesday, 23 April 2024
TOM PETTY's Label Flat-Out Rejected His 1989 Album, So He Signed A Secret Deal And Sold 11 Million Units; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Reports (Video)

Professor Of Rock has released the new video below, along with the following introduction...

"Coming up, an interview with one of the greatest guitarists of the rock era, Mike Campbell, from Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers, a band that ruled the landscape for over 4 decades. Mike tells the story of Full Moon Fever, an album that he helped write and produce with two other legends that they were sure would be a smash. Unfortunately, their label had no such belief. In fact, the album was flat-out rejected. But that didn’t stop another major record label from signing a secret contract with Tom Petty.  And it turns out the label was dead wrong as Full Moon Fever became Petty’s biggest seller ever and churned out three #1 hits, including today’s feature, 'Running Down A Dream'. But this was during the time when Compact Discs were replacing records and tapes so Tom, ever a traditionalist, left a little message for the CD buyers. Also, the amazing solo fell out in one take... A great interview is coming up next on Professor Of Rock."
