heavy metalmetallicawebby awards
21:48 Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Metallica's official website, Metallica.com, is official nominated for a Webby award, the leading international award honouring excellence on the internet.
Says Metallica: "We never imagined we’d be recognized for our digital presence, but we are so honoured to be included in this year’s Webby Awards’ Websites and Mobile Sites - Music category!
"We can’t do this without you. This is a people’s choice award, and we’re up against the likes of Taylor Swift, among others. We don’t know if you’ve heard… but her fans are pretty active. But we also know the Metallica Family’s passion is unmatched!
"If you like what Metallica.com has to offer, make your voice heard! Voting is open through this Thursday, April 18.
"If you haven’t checked Metallica.com out in a while, what are you waiting for? We launched a completely redesigned site last year!
"Dig into our seemingly endless collection of archived content. Relive your favorite concerts by visiting our Past Tour Dates section to see tens of thousands of live photos, thousands of setlists, and hundreds of live videos. Learn more about the music by visiting the Songs & Lyrics and Releases sections. And get the inside track on Metallica by reading So What!, our digital online magazine.
"We’ve got to shout out the digital artists behind Metallica.com - our friends at Pattern, a digital design and eCommerce agency right here in the Bay Area. Their creative and technical talents brought Metallica.com to life. So join us in thanking them for their truly awesome work by casting your vote in this year’s Webby Awards!"
Cast your vote here, and explore Metallica.com here.