ANNIHILATOR Mastermind JEFF WATERS Talks AMERIKAN KAOS Side Project Debut Album - "Armageddon Boogie Is What You Might Expect If I Did A Solo Thing; There's A Tribute To VAN HALEN In One Of The Songs..." | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
Tuesday, 4 March 2025 09:44

ANNIHILATOR Mastermind JEFF WATERS Talks AMERIKAN KAOS Side Project Debut Album - "Armageddon Boogie Is What You Might Expect If I Did A Solo Thing; There's A Tribute To VAN HALEN In One Of The Songs..."

annihilatoramerikan kaosjeff watersheavy metal
09:33 Tuesday, 9 April 2024
ANNIHILATOR Mastermind JEFF WATERS Talks AMERIKAN KAOS Side Project Debut Album - "Armageddon Boogie Is What You Might Expect If I Did A Solo Thing; There's A Tribute To VAN HALEN In One Of The Songs..."

Annihilator guitarist / mastermind Jeff Waters recently spoke with Finland's Chaoszine about his career, including the upcoming Amerikan Kaos album, Armageddon Boogie. Check out the interview below.

Waters: "Armageddon Boogie is what you might expect if I did a solo thing. It's like, Waters is an older guy, he likes '80s metal, he likes that kind of music. It's before I got into Venom and Slayer and Razor and Anvil and Exciter and the Big 4. You're gonna get the Scorpions.... even the commercial vibes in there. There's a tribute to Van Halen in one of the songs, thanking them for the ride and what they did for everybody. It's kind of a mixture of styles but it really does have (its own) sound. The next two albums that come out, people are going to shake thie heads and go 'What the fuck just happened?'"

Waters recently commented: "2024 is THE YEAR OF ALICE: ALICE IN HELL.   

35 years since its release and we will be celebrating with many of you for the year with merch, signature guitars, shows, events, catalogue reissues, etc… and this will lead us into 2025, which is the anniversary of our biggest record: Never, Neverland. Alice will continue on with us, into 2025.   

Randy Rampage, Alice In Hell’s vocalist and awesome frontman, passed away a few years back. To honour Rampage, I had a tough job to find someone to fill his shoes for this anniversary.   

Stu Block may be known as a badass vocalist and frontman BUT he also loves Rampage's attitude and will be the perfect singer to channel this classic record onstage. Long-time, fellow axe-slingers Rich Gray (4 strings!) and Aaron Homma (6 strings!) also continue their journey with Annihilator.  

Stage? Oh yeah. Let us just start with this: Annihilator will be co-headlining, along with Scorpions and Five Finger Death Punch, at Topfest, Slovakia on June 29, 2024. We will play the entire “Alice” record, along with some other rockin’ tunes.  

This will be an exclusive Europe festival show for 2024, however, we will be announcing lots more, starting January.  

We have NOT forgotten anyone. We will do our best in 2024-2025+ to get to where we should have been playing AND to where we already have!   

So, thank you all for getting Annihilator to the point of 17 studio records, a zillion tours and STILL rockin' after all these years. We are very aware that we’re still going strong because of our fans; not the industry.   

On that note, any festivals and promoters that want this legendary Alice/Neverland set in 2025, talk to our dude Nik at Bottom Row for Europe and our web site contact for everywhere else!  

Check the socials for regular updates now, cause we have a lot coming for you!        

Love and Metal to all, Annihilator and Jeff Waters."
