JUDAS PRIEST's "Devil's Child" Gets The Bluegrass Treatment By POSTMODERN JUKEBOX Vocalist ROBYN ADELE ANDERSON; One Take Live Video Streaming | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
Tuesday, 4 March 2025 08:54

JUDAS PRIEST's "Devil's Child" Gets The Bluegrass Treatment By POSTMODERN JUKEBOX Vocalist ROBYN ADELE ANDERSON; One Take Live Video Streaming

judas priestrobyn adele andersonheav ymetal
09:10 Thursday, 4 April 2024
JUDAS PRIEST's "Devil's Child" Gets The Bluegrass Treatment By POSTMODERN JUKEBOX Vocalist ROBYN ADELE ANDERSON; One Take Live Video Streaming

Judas Priest's "Devil's Child", taken from the Screaming For Vengeance album, has been given the bluegrass treatment by Postmodern Jukebox vocalist Robyn Adele Anderson and her band. Check out this new rendition of the song below.

Robyn: "In honor of their new album that came out last month, I’ve decided to cover my very first Judas Priest song! But of course I had do a little word-play based mashup. Enjoy!"

Judas Priest is back on the Billboard charts this week with their latest album, Invincible Shield, reports Forbes. The set returns them to a number of rankings that they’ve hit before... but it also helps them appear on another list that somehow, they’ve never made it to - even though it would seem to be a great home for them.

On this week’s edition of the Hot Hard Rock Songs - Billboard’s ranking of the most-consumed hard rock tunes in the US - Judas Priest scores a very important hit. The title track from their new album, “Invincible Shield”, debuts at #16.

Shockingly, “Invincible Shield” marks Judas Priest’s first placement on the Hot Hard Rock Songs chart. That is due largely to the fact that the tally is relatively new - at least newer than most of the band’s biggest hits.

Judas Priest has now reached just two of Billboard’s rock charts - excluding radio lists. They’ve also sent a pair of cuts to the Hard Rock Digital Song Sales ranking. That small number includes their first top 10 hit on that purchase-only list, “Panic Attack,” which reached #10 last year.

Read more at Forbes.

Invincible Shield can be ordered here.


"Panic Attack"
"The Serpent And The King"
"Invincible Shield"
"Devil In Disguise"
"Gates Of Hell"
"Crown Of Horns"
"As God Is My Witness"
"Trial By Fire"
"Escape From Reality"
"Sons Of Thunder"
"Giants In The Sky"

Deluxe edition bonus tracks:

"Fight Of Your Life"
"Vicious Circle"
"The Lodger"

"Invincible Shield" video:

"Panic Attack" video:

"The Serpent And The King" video:

"Trial By Fire" video:
