JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist RICHIE FAULKNER - "I Don't Think Anyone Works As Hard As ZAKK WYLDE Does To Fly The Flag For Metal Guitar" | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
Tuesday, 4 March 2025 08:47

JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist RICHIE FAULKNER - "I Don't Think Anyone Works As Hard As ZAKK WYLDE Does To Fly The Flag For Metal Guitar"

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13:06 Sunday, 24 March 2024
JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist RICHIE FAULKNER - "I Don't Think Anyone Works As Hard As ZAKK WYLDE Does To Fly The Flag For Metal Guitar"

While recently speaking to Ultimate Guitar, Judas Priest guitarist Richie Faulkner discussed a variety of guitar-related topics, including the challenge of playing "Painkiller" live, and his Epiphone and Gibson signature guitar models. He also shared his thoughts on the state of modern metal guitar. Following is an excerpt from that discussion.

UG: What do you think of the current state of metal guitar playing?

Faulkner: "It's evolving. You have the guys from Polyphia. I guess that's metal, but it's done in a different way. It's evolved into its own thing. You've got some great players, right from the blues end of the scale you've got Joe Bonamassa and Jared James Nichols, and then you've got the Polyphia guys from the other end of the metal guitar playing chart. And everything in between."

"I think there's room for everyone. There are a lot of good players out there with a lot of different styles under that heavy metal, hard rock, blues guitar banner. It keeps evolving the guitar. Someone picks up the guitar and plays something completely different."

"George Lynch, Zakk Wylde… I don't think anyone works as hard as Zakk does to fly the flag for metal guitar and hard rock guitar. It's pretty healthy and it's still evolving. I think it's based on the past and moving into the future, like it's natural for it to do."

Read more here.

Judas Priest's Invincible Shield album is out now. Order the album here.


"Panic Attack"
"The Serpent And The King"
"Invincible Shield"
"Devil In Disguise"
"Gates Of Hell"
"Crown Of Horns"
"As God Is My Witness"
"Trial By Fire"
"Escape From Reality"
"Sons Of Thunder"
"Giants In The Sky"

Deluxe edition bonus tracks:

"Fight Of Your Life"
"Vicious Circle"
"The Lodger"

"Invincible Shield" video:

"Panic Attack" video:

"The Serpent And The King" video:

"Trial By Fire" video:

(Photo - Dustin Jack)
