mike portnoydream theaterheavy metal
12:18 Thursday, 21 March 2024

Drum legend Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater, The Winery Dogs) recently visited the Drumeo studios. Below is another video from their studio.
Drumeo: "Watch Mike Portnoy perform 'Panic Attack' by Dream Theater. This song is featured on Dream Theater's ninth studio album, Octavarium, released in 2005. 'Panic Attack' features some of Mike Portnoy's most iconic drum parts – particularly the double bass intro groove."
Check out a previously released Drumeo video featuring Portnoy below.
Portnoy: "Fun fact: You’re not gonna believe this, but this track was NOT on the list of discussed songs/content before I arrived at Drumeo to shoot. Brandon Toews asked me on the spot if I’d be willing to do it, and I said I was willing to give it a try but that I hadn’t played it in YEARS (since the Shattered Fortress tour in 2017). We decided to give it a whirl without me even listening to the track to review it… hit record and this is what came out! 'Like riding a bicycle! Well, more like a unicycle…'."
"The Dance Of Eternity" is arguably one of the most iconic (and difficult) progressive rock songs of all time. Watch below as the one and only Mike Portnoy breaks down how he plays this incredible song.