From CLASSICS IV To ATLANTA RHYTHM SECTION To Halloween Standard - PROFESSOR OF ROCK Details The Evolution Of "Spooky"; Video
classic rockclassics ivatlanta rhythm sectionprofessor of rock
classic rockclassics ivatlanta rhythm sectionprofessor of rock
23:12 Wednesday, 20 March 2024
Professor Of Rock has released the video below, along with the following introduction...
"Coming up, how a guitar-playing welder & his fishing buddy, gave a lyrical makeover to a cheesy instrumental and transformed it into one of the coolest songs of the '60s - then in a totally different band with the same members... the singer gave it a rock renovation turning the saxophone solo into guitar classic that lit up classic rock radio with a southern fried twist. I’m talking about 'Spooky' by Classics IV, the #3 hit from 1968, and then it was restyled by Atlanta Rhythm Section (ARS) in 1979, and then it became a Halloween standard. The story is next on Professor Of Rock."