sodomheavy metalhiraxwhiplashstress angel
03:32 Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Maryland Deathfest presents a special show on October 9 at the Brooklyn Monarch in Brooklyn, NY with German thrash legends Sodom headlining with support from California thrash vets Hirax, New Jersey thrashers Whiplash, and Brooklyn death thrashers Stress Angel.
This will be Sodom’s first NYC appearance since 2006.
Find tickets on Eventbrite.
Hirax released a new single “Drill In To The Brain” this past January while Sodom issued their 1982 EP in November 2023. Whiplash last issued new material with the 2013 single “Sword Meet Skull, Skull Meet Sword” and Stress Angel released their second full-length Punished By Nemesis on March 15.