heavy metaldarkest hour
22:37 Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Darkest Hour - Mike Schleibaum [guitar], John Henry [vocals], Aaron Deal [bass], Travis Orbin [drums], and Nico Santora [guitar] - are pleased to announce their new beer collaboration with DC Brau. It arrives in celebration of the band's recently released 10th album, Perpetual | Terminal, out now via MNRK Heavy.

Perpetual | Terminal-Ale, an Amber Ale, is a true collaborative effort. Schleibaum even dropped the hops into the kettle with his own hands. The beverage will be available at the band's April 6 hometown show at the Black Cat in Washington, DC. So come out and raise a glass!

Order Perpetual | Terminal here.

"Perpetual | Terminal"
"Societal Bile"
"A Prayer To The Holy Death"
"The Nihilist Undone"
"One With The Void"
"Amor Fati"
"Love Is Fear"
"New Utopian Dream"
"My Only Regret"
"Goddess Of War, Give Me Something to Die For"
"One With The Void" video:
"Societal Bile" video:
"Perpetual | Terminal" video: