twisted sistereddie ojedariff notes
16:39 Saturday, 9 March 2024

Speaking with VRP Rocks, Twisted Sister guitarist Eddie Ojeda shares exclusive insights into the creation of his renowned Bullseye guitar, its unexpected rise to iconic status, and the dynamics within the band that accompanied its fame.
Eddie sheds light on the guitar's widespread recognition, its influence on the band's image, and the unexpected envy it sparked among band members.
"I never expected it to become this well known thing. I was shocked it became a bit iconic. I'm not trying to brag about it; it surprised me, too. I've even seen ads for the band playing, and they have a picture of my guitar with a picture of the band in front of it. It did spark a bit of jealousy at times with other members, but I wasn't out to do that. I wasn't trying to showboat or (say) 'Look at me!' I just decided to a get a cool graphic guitar."