heavy metalmotorheadlemmy kilmister
19:23 Sunday, 25 February 2024

According to NME, plans to erect a statue of legendary Motörhead frontman Ian “Lemmy” Kilmister in the town where he was born have been approved by Stoke-on-Trent City Council. The 2.2 metre statue will be erected in the market place of Burslem, the town where Lemmy was born before his family moved to Newcastle-under-Lyme. The majority of the singer’s childhood was spent in Wales before founding Motörhead in 1975.
The statue is estimated to cost about £50,000 and a fundraising campaign has been launched to raise the necessary funds. Once the project has obtained funding, the statue will be made from Staffordshire clay by local sculptor Andy Edwards, the same artist who created the world-famous Beatles statue on Liverpool’s waterfront.
The statue will depict Ian 'Lemmy' Kilmister performing at the height of his fame in the early 1980s. It will stand on an eight-foot plinth, which will feature on its faces the Motörhead logo, personal and career details, a dedication and the names of 100 fans and celebrities who have supported the project.
Read more at NME.