TRIUMPH Frontman RIK EMMETT Finishes Radiation Treatment For Prostate Cancer | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
Monday, 3 March 2025 20:08

TRIUMPH Frontman RIK EMMETT Finishes Radiation Treatment For Prostate Cancer

hard rockrik emmetttriumph
18:00 Friday, 23 February 2024
TRIUMPH Frontman RIK EMMETT Finishes Radiation Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Rik Emmett has completed radiation treatment for prostate cancer. The legendary Triumph frontman recently shared the following message via social media.

Says Rik: "I just finished my radiation today and got to ring the bell. For those who might not have been aware, I had a bout with prostate cancer. For you gentlemen out there north of age 45-50, please do yourself a favor and get checked. If you catch it early, there’s an excellent chance it can be treated; and treatment doesn’t always have to mean surgery or chemotherapy either. Consider this a PSA to get your PSA checked!"
