g3 2024steve vaieric johnsonjoe satrianiriff notes
11:40 Friday, 16 February 2024

Guitar legend Steve Vai recently checked in with the following update:
"We wrapped up our glorious 27 year G3 anniversary tour this weekend in LA. The whole tour was an exceptional life experience. Being on the road with this entourage was like touring in a warm float tank. It was a pleasure beyond measure. Eric and Joe never cease to amaze and inspire me with their brilliance and innovation. And to feel them on stage every night trading riffs in our jams was uplifting and exhilarating! On top of all that, they are solid good people and cherished friends.
Big time thanks to our crew and management that worked so hard to make it the exceptional experience that it was, and to all the folks that came to enjoy the shows. Your support is humbling."
Fan-filmed video of the entire G3 show The Elsinore Theatre in Salem, OR on February 1st has been shared via YouTube and can be veiwed below
Steve Vai
"Little Pretty"
"Tender Surrender"
"Zeus In Chains"
"Teeth of the Hydra"
"For The Love of God"
Eric Johnson (45:58)
"Land of a 1000 Dances"
"Trail of Tears"
"Impressions" (John Coltrane)
"Here With You Again"
"Desert Rose"
"Cliffs of Dover"
"Venus Reprise"
Joe Satriani (1:30:40)
"Raspberry Jam Delta-V"
"Surfing With The Alien"
"Satch Boogie"
"Nineteen Eighty"
"Big Bad Moon"
"Always With Me, Always With You"
"Summer Song"
G3 Jam (2:15:12)
"Crossroads" (Cream)
"Spanish Castle Magic" (Jimi Hendrix)
"Born To Be Wild" (Steppenwolf)