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02:46 Thursday, 8 February 2024

Israeli gothic doom metal band Tomorrow's Rain announces their second album, Ovdan, will be released on April 19 with AOP Records. The album features guest collaborators from Mayhem, Sol Invictus, Dark Funeral, Mercyful Fate and Sisters of Mercy to name a few.
Commenting on the impending record, the band states:
"We are excited to announce our upcoming second full length album Ovdan to be released via A.O.P Records in April. Ovdan means Loss, the album was written and recorded during a dark period in our lives and the creative process was in fact our cure to get back to life after several traumatic events we faced, musically we pushed the boundaries and yet kept the vision started in our debut album Hollow (2020). We hope that Ovdan will light a candle at the edge of the tunnel for you as it did to us."
First single and video for “Sunrise” is streaming.
"Ovdan means loss, and ‘Sunrise’ is a song for hope in an hour of need, a kind of personal prayer for a better future, writing and recording this album was a healing process for us from many tragic events we been through, ‘Sunrise’ is the candle at the edge of the tunnel, a kind of force to keep us going along the road."
The band's sophomore album Ovdan, which is Hebrew for "Loss," marks the return of vocalist Yishai Swartz who suffered a near fatal heart attack and open heart surgery in early 2023. After nearly losing everything, Swartz and crew have emerged with resilient spirit and creative force on their most dynamic and ambitious record yet.
Preorder at the AOP Records webshop.

“Roads” (feat. Dark Funeral’s Andreas Vingback and Sol Invictus’ Tony Wakeford)
“Muaka” (feat. Mayhem’s Attila Csihar)
“Room 124”
“I Skuggornas Grav” (feat. Mickael Broberg of Unanimated and Anja Huwe of Xmal Deutschland)
“Burning Times” (feat. Depressive Age’s Jan Lubitzki)
“Turn Around” (feat. Mercyful Fate’s Michael Denner)
“Intensive C. U.”
“Turn Around” Gothic Rock Version (feat. Michael Denner of Mercyful Fate/King Diamond and Ben Christo of Sisters Of Mercy)
“Sunrise” video:
(Photo – Anne C. Swallow)