METALLICA - "Last Call For Your Load & ReLoad Content!" | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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METALLICA - "Last Call For Your Load & ReLoad Content!"

heavy metalmetallica
19:11 Tuesday, 23 January 2024
METALLICA - "Last Call For Your Load & ReLoad Content!"

Back in February 2022, Metallica put out a call to their fans, seeking content for upcoming deluxe box sets of their Load And ReLoad albums. Today, Metallica issues the following update...

"You may remember a couple of years ago, we put out a call for Load and ReLoad content contributions for the upcoming Deluxe Box Sets. We wanted to give you one last chance to send in whatever you might have before we close submissions on January 31.

These box sets will be the sixth and seventh we’ve compiled, and we want to make sure that they have the same fan influence as the previous five. If you think you’ve got something cool that you’d like to share, here’s the parameters:

- Anything and everything you might have from August 1995 through September 1998.
- Live photos (taken by you!) or snaps from a meet & greet, flyers, ticket stubs, backstage passes, and whatever other mementos you may have from that time.

Make your mark on these albums by emailing us at to share your story and receive more info about submitting these little pieces of history.

Nothing is too small or trivial; share your archives with your fellow fans and have some fun walking down memory lane with us!"

Metallica have launched the pre-order for the new Cliff Burton ReAction figure from Super7. "Keep those Cliff collections going with the third version Cliff Burton ReAction figure by Super7!"

Expected availability is March 1, and includes:

- Cliff Burton figure featuring Cliff in a flannel shirt and black bass guitar
- Injected plastic and paint
- 3¾ scale figure

Pre-order here.

Metallica bassist Cliff Burton, who performed on the band's first three albums - Kill 'Em All ('83), Ride The Lightning ('84) and Master Of Puppets ('86) - was killed in a bus crash in Kronoberg County, a rural area (Ljungby Municipality) of southern Sweden, on September 27, 1986 while the band was touring for Master Of Puppets. He joined the band in December 1982.
