The Soul Revival Deliver A Mouth-watering Prospect | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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The Soul Revival Deliver A Mouth-watering Prospect

the soul revival
11:40 Friday, 19 January 2024
Won't Bring Me Down from The Soul Revival - a perfectly crafted and impelling slice of modern hard rock

This morning sees the long-awaited official debut single Won’t Bring Me Down from The Soul Revival. Joining forces from across the Midlands, the line-up comprises dynamic vocalist Steve Nunn, recent arrival Andy Dove on Guitar, and the Sheehanesque Matt ‘Higgy’ Higgins on bass. Flamboyant sticksman Karl Selickis may not need any introduction to some of you.

While still in their relative infancy as a band, MetalTalk were present at only their second gig, supporting Brave Rival at Wolverhampton’s Giffard Arms early last year. Here, The Soul Revival not only blew the roof off but made a serious and lasting impression on the headliners. You can read more about that appearance here.

The Soul Revival. The Giffard Arms, Wolverhampton – 11 February 2023.
The Soul Revival. The Giffard Arms, Wolverhampton – 11 February 2023. Photo: John Inglis/MetalTalk

Won’t Bring Me Down is a perfectly crafted and impelling slice of classically influenced but modern hard rock that deals with the familiar subject of life’s struggles but addresses them in such a defiant, hopeful, yet uplifting manner.

It doesn’t waste any time getting going. A few intro chords and BANG! We are straight into the urgent riff and positively infectious groove. The type of number that has instant appeal.

The projection and the clarity of the vocals have you hanging on every word, while the bridge is an archetypal example of how to link an immersive verse to an anthemic chorus. 

“I’ll keep on climbing higher and higher,” is just one step towards that altogether more altitudinous plane.

“But I won’t let it bring me down.  

And I’ll rise above the ashes on the ground,  

And I’ll find the strength to carry on, 

Fight that darkness ’til it’s gone – Hear it once, and you’ll be singing it.”

While the riff is undoubtedly an endearing feature, Andy supplements it with some sumptuous musical colours which reach a melodious zenith on the most exquisite of solos.  

The Soul Revival. The Giffard Arms, Wolverhampton – 11 February 2023.
The Soul Revival. The Giffard Arms, Wolverhampton – 11 February 2023. Photo: John Inglis/MetalTalk

I cannot wait to hear this live, and speaking of performance, this would make an ideal opening number. An authentic and engaging statement of intent that will get much of the crowd onboard from the off. Its abrupt ending punctuates the urgency of the track and would cue up the second number so seamlessly.

Contrastingly, with its ‘jump on board and ride it home feel’, I can also visualise it working as a finale, leaving an appreciative audience with the need to see them again.

One eagerly awaits the arrival of further material from this most industrious and creative of new bands. With this enticing taster, The Soul Revival Six Track EP in the pipeline sure is a mouth-watering prospect.

The post The Soul Revival Deliver A Mouth-watering Prospect first appeared on MetalTalk - Heavy Metal News, Reviews and Interviews.
