MĀNBRYNE, OWLS WOODS GRAVES, SCHIZMA Among Nine New Acts Confirmed For Poland's Mystic Festival 2024 | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
Tuesday, 11 March 2025 02:10

MĀNBRYNE, OWLS WOODS GRAVES, SCHIZMA Among Nine New Acts Confirmed For Poland's Mystic Festival 2024

heavy metalblack deathmystic festival 2024
00:55 Wednesday, 3 January 2024
MĀNBRYNE, OWLS WOODS GRAVES, SCHIZMA Among Nine New Acts Confirmed For Poland's Mystic Festival 2024

Mystic Festival 2024 will be held at the Gdansk Shipyard in Gdańsk, Poland from June 5-8. Organizers have issued the following update:

"The Polish school of black metal is respected and widely admired around the world. Not only for the highest quality of black art, but also for the fact that everyone here tells their own story and tries to sound different from the rest. Mānbryne, creators of one of the best Polish albums of the past year - Interregnum: O pr​óbie wiary i jarzmie zwątpienia - slashes listeners with nihilism and despair, while Sznur on their Ludzina spit pure misanthropy at their fellow human beings. Owls Woods Graves, on the other hand, are blackpunk hooligans - no signs of soul, but plenty of great songs that you'll shout along with them.

The Devil Inside is the title of one of the Embrional albums - and yes, their death metal has a high amount of devil content in it. Not wonder Hellfuck, a project of Embrional's musicians that is a nod to old school speed/thrash metal, also reeks of hell. In Gdansk we will see shows by both of these bands, so it will be possible to determine once and for all in which incarnation they more effectively spread destruction.

As usual, there will also be room on our stages for artists who do not play metal, but nevertheless fit perfectly into the character of Mystic Festival. Bydgoszcz-based Schizma are domestic masters of the American hardcore, and they have recently confirmed their position with the excellent album Upadek. Polish metal audience got to know Zamilska during her autumn tour with Furia, so it's clear that we are in for a merciless mechanical music massacre, while Ampacity will invite the brave ones to a psychedelic, post-rock trip into the unknown. Krakow's .Wavs started as an evocation of the best years of grunge, only to broaden their interests in their latest tunes - this is simply great alternative rock. Well, maybe alternative hard rock, if there is such a thing."

Acts previously announced for the festival include Bruce Dickinson, Megadeth, Bring Me The Horizon, Machine Head, Kreator, Suffocation, Blackgold. Humanity's Last Breath, Accept, Satyricon, Thy Art Is Murder, Life Of Agony, Lord Of The Lost, Ithaka, Asphyx, Sanguisugabogg, Biohazd, Orange Goblin and more.

Festival details can be found here.
