warrantjani lanehard rock
13:46 Friday, 22 December 2023

Warrant guitarist Joey Allen is featured in a new intercview with Tulsa Music Stream. He discusses bassist Jerry Dixon’s absence from the band, new music, setlists, Mötley Crüe dissing them in their book, late vocalist Jani Lane and his talents as a songwriter, producer Beau Hill and more.
The interview begins at the 10:30 mark.
Joey Allen on Jani Lane: "He was an amazing talent. (We were) lucky to have a guy that talented, that's a wordsmith. He read a lot, so that's why the lyrics are lot deeper than a lot of other bands. That's where you get tunes like 'Mr. Rainmaker', '32 Pennies'... every song was a little story to him. He was amazing, and he is missed more than people can understand. We're a pretty private band, so we camn tell you that we miss him, we love him."
Back in October, Professor Of Rock released the video below, along with the following introduction:
"The story of glam metal band Warrant and their MASSIVE 1990 hit 'Cherry Pie'! Written by lead singer Jani Lane, the song may've been a curse. Jani said as much himself. It was also one of the last big hits of the glam metal genre that towered over the 80s. It may have been the song that ended the genre, coming at a time that grunge took over and obliterated the excess of the music and the neon decade. Current Warrant band members Erik Turner and Joey Allen tell the story of writing and recording 'Cherry Pie' and its impact on the time!"