BOB DYLAN "Freaked Out" When He Heard The JIMI HENDRIX Version Of His Classic... Then Started Playing It The Exact Same Way; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Reports | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
Thursday, 6 March 2025 22:09

BOB DYLAN "Freaked Out" When He Heard The JIMI HENDRIX Version Of His Classic... Then Started Playing It The Exact Same Way; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Reports

classic rockraritiesbob dylanjimi hendrixprofessor of rock
20:54 Thursday, 21 December 2023
BOB DYLAN "Freaked Out" When He Heard The JIMI HENDRIX Version Of His Classic... Then Started Playing It The Exact Same Way; PROFESSOR OF ROCK Reports

Professor Of Rock has released the new video below, along with the following introduction...

"Coming up, the story of an all-time rock classic that has two legendary versions. 'All Along the Watchtower' by Bob Dylan was actually covered by guitar virtuoso Jim Hendrix and realized before Dylan could get his out. Bob Dylan got into a motorcycle accident and shortly after changed the way he wrote and the result is 'All Along The Watchtower' with lyrical inspiration from the book of Isaiah from the Bible, making the song lyrics over 2,700 years old. Thing is, after Bob Dylan heard Hendrix's version of the song he freaked out. He loved it. In fact, after he heard it he started playing it the exact same way. It’s become arguably the greatest cover song ever and has been covered since then by everyone from Dave Matthews Band to U2. Bob Dylan released 'All Along the Watchtower' on his 60s classic John Wesley Harding. Get the story next on Professor Of Rock."
