17:31 Sunday, 17 December 2023

Legendary Californian death metallers Possessed, who practically invented the genre, are finally returning to the studio to unleash a brand new sonic assault. In a recent interview with Capital Chaos TV, frontman Jeff Becerra revealed that the wheels are in motion for the band's follow-up to their critically acclaimed 2019 album, Revelations Of Oblivion.
"I'm in the process of writing the new album which should have come out already, but the pandemic held us up as it did everybody else," Becerra explained. "I'm just finishing up the lyrics now and then we should record in 2024."
"I was speaking to Jaap Waagemaker from Nuclear Blast and we have decided to record in 2024. I’ve also been working with Kragen Lum from Nuclear Blast and the band Heathen. I plan to set the recording date as soon as possible. Of course, you never know what’s gonna happen so it’s best to strike while the iron is hot. So far, this new album is very different. I hope that people will enjoy it in a different way than each of the previous albums. Of course, I’m no stranger to doing anything differently." Becerra added.
While the pandemic put a damper on Possessed's infernal plans, it seems the extra time has only fueled their creative fire. Becerra is also adamant about making 2024 count for the band: "I’m trying to get as many shows as possible booked in 2024 because I’m ready to work. If it were up to me, I would never stop touring. I love playing live shows and like hanging out with the people that support Possessed."
Revelations Of Oblivion proved that the band, despite a 33-year hiatus, hasn't lost their touch. The album was a monstrous return to form, a masterclass in old-school death-thrash that earned them widespread acclaim. We'll have more updates on this as they emerge from the studio depths. Until then, crank up Seven Churches and let the anticipation begin!