Producer GLENN FRICKER Takes THE HAUNTED Guitarist OLA ENGLUND's New S By Solar Budget Guitar For A Test Drive (Video) | News @ METAL.RADIO.FM
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Producer GLENN FRICKER Takes THE HAUNTED Guitarist OLA ENGLUND's New S By Solar Budget Guitar For A Test Drive (Video)

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14:07 Friday, 8 December 2023
Producer GLENN FRICKER Takes THE HAUNTED Guitarist OLA ENGLUND's New S By Solar Budget Guitar For A Test Drive (Video)

The Haunted guitars Ola Englund - the founder / owner of Solar Guitars - recently announced the launch of S By Solar, featuring guitars geared towards beginner and internediate players.

Englund: "S By Solar is an extension of the world-renowned Solar Guitar Brand providing a maximum value heavy metal instrument at a lower price than what is possible today. The same detailed craftwork and design that is at the heart of Solar Guitars is present in every S By Solar instrument to provide a quality tool to help with your musical journey. Order your guitar at"

Now, Canadian producer Glenn Fricker, the recording engineer at Spectre Sound Studios - who has also made a name for himself with his no-holds-barred reviews of guitars, assorted gear, and bass players - takes an S By Solar model for a test drive in the clip below

Go to Solar Guitars complete product information and to purchase their high end products.
