Season Of Ghosts guitarist / composer Zombie Sam recently launched his new horror project, PhantasmaGore.
The project is based on a core value: Music Meets Art. Each release is connected to artwork, and each piece of artwork is connected to a horror story. PhantasmaGore's third single, "The UnderWorld" is available now. Check it out below, save the track here.
On the rain-soaked cobbles of another dull day, a hesitant fog masks a man upon the road. The weight of many years upon his shoulders and the quivering knees of a steed gone too far.
He would all but fall from his horse, and, in turn, his horse would all but drop to its knees. Neither would rise again, but there was little room for introspection, for they were closing in, as do all such things who mark the scent of desperation…
A ruined city A familiar city. Though they all seem alike these days…
Is there anything left? The cracked lantern by your side offers some small hope and so you reach down to pick up your last match. Much like the others, it is as unremarkable as your own reflection, though at least this one has a spark. The flickering flame glimmers before you like a half-remembered dream as another gust of cold wind snuffs out its ebbing radiance.
And, just like that, you find yourself alone.
The complete Gore/Story is available to read here.
The second PhantasmaGore single, "Those Damned Eyes", is now available via Distrokid and can be streamed below.
PhantasmaGore's official website can be found here.