w.a.s.p.kisshard rock
15:00 Sunday, 3 December 2023

KISS brought their decades-long career to a close on December 2nd with a final show at Madison Square Garden in New York, W.A.S.P. frontman Blackie Lawless took to social media and shared the following tribute to the band:
"Next March will mark 50 years since I saw KISS for the first time. No one yet knew who they were but their magnetism was infectious. The live show was good and their energy was better, but I was far more impressed by them as people. Their stoic determinism and unflinching belief in themselves was abundantly apparent from the very start. When I would be in a room with them you could cut all that electricity with a knife. I don't know if they even understood the effect they had on others. Not so much as individuals, but as a group there was a camaraderie that was unbreakable, and although they were constantly being made fun of by other industry professionals they saw the true effect they were having on the audiences. That was the magic glue that held them together and allowed them to go on to achieve unmatched success despite overwhelming odds.
Congratulations to the current lineup, but especially the original band. What that band was in the beginning was astonishing, frightening, bombastic, reckless and the true unrelenting 'Spirit of Rock N' Roll' in its purest form that is impossible to duplicate ever again!"